Recognising the value of the model of the PACT 5-day training programme for care homes, Dr Asha Katwa was asked to be clinical lead for the NHS Northwest London Collaboration of CCGs Recognising and Acting in Signs of deterioration training. Challenged to create a simple guide for care home workers, a simple pocket guide was created for carers to ask 10 questions of themselves each time they care for a resident to ensure the wellbeing of the residents is prioritised and they can recognise and act appropriately to get the help needed.
Dr Asha Katwa has created a training package with case scenarios to support this work (copyrighted) and has continued to revise this work into its current one 3-hour training programme. She continues to deliver this to care home workers in Hillingdon where she works in the care home support team. The success of this training which has now trained 40 trainers and delivered training to all 8 CCGs in north west London along with further uptake in Barnet and Camden CCGs, lies in its co-design with the carers and nurses from Rowanweald and Buchanan Court Care Homes and a steering group of members from across NW London in health and social care.
Dr Katwa has also redeveloped this pocket guide into a booklet for lay carers 'Is the person I care for well?' with supporting training materials to follow. Contact us to learn more about this.
Read more about this work here and contact us if you are seeking permission to use this material or would like to request a quote for the train the trainer programme.